Liz Sauco


Liz Sauco

Liz Sauco


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  • Member Since

    Apr 2023

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    12 September

  • Profession

    Commercial Administrative Assistant


I’ve always loved stories. The more fantastical, the better. Unicorns were an early favorite of mine; I must have watched The Last Unicorn a thousand times as a child, driving my parents to near insanity. I journeyed with Bilbo and Frodo to their respective mountains, flew with the dragonriders of Pern, rode with the Heralds of Valdemar (and desperately wanted a Companion. Or a dragon. Any talking animal friend, really). I devoured every book I could get my hands on – trips to Barnes and Noble were hotly anticipated.

Anime (thanks, Toonami!) and video games were other favorites. I watched Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Gundam Wing, played Zelda and Mario. Some of my earliest memories are of watching my parents play A Link to the Past and Mario 64. A Link to the Past was the first game I ever finished. I found myself endlessly fascinated with how the Zelda games fit together. Mythology also grabbed me, made me think of how other cultures viewed the world.

And then I made up stories for myself when I ran out of media to consume.

In college, I decided I was going to write a book. NoNoWriMo was popular, and I had a few other friends who wrote a bit, so I decided I would give it a try in Nov of 2010. I outlined and outlined. My outline was almost twenty pages long (and only about three-quarters of the way through the story) when I decided it was not actually what I wanted to write. It was too much like a video game. I scrapped it, and went back to the drawing board. Then I realized – what if I told the story that came after that one? That would be more interesting.

(I missed that NaNoWriMo deadline by quite a bit.)

So I started again, worldbuilding with what would have happened in the thousand years between the two stories. I drew maps. I made races. I fleshed out my characters, some of whom were the same – the benefits of writing immortals. By the time NaNoWriMo 2011 came around, I was ready.

I wrote three and a half chapters. In that fourth chapter, I introduced my pirate characters – and writing their speech exhausted me so much that I just… stopped. The story sat in the back of my mind for almost a decade, untouched by any actual writing, but living and growing anyway. I consumed more media, more stories. Marvel, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones dominated conversations around me (I mentioned I’m a nerd, right? If not, you could probably tell). I started crocheting little cute plushies. I got a job teaching Latin.

Then came 2020. Everyone was staying at home. A friend of mine brought up a book she had been writing some time ago, and I mentioned mine. We decided to give them both another go, offering critique and support to each other as we went.

And this time, I successfully wrote Lost Blades, kicking off my journey as an author.

Nowadays, Destiny 2 and Genshin Impact make up the majority of my gaming, both franchises with lore-rich worlds ripe for theorycrafting. Go ahead, ask me anything about either of those, but be prepared for a dissertation in response. I still crochet plushies, and fantasy still makes up the majority of my world. I’m excited to embark on this publishing journey, and I’m glad you stopped by to check in! For more information on my books, or just getting to know me better in general, I hope you’ll take some time to explore my website, read my blog, or even send me a message.

Liz Sauco Books

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